Hey fellow Zarjaz/Futurequakers,
My name's Tony McVeigh, a fellow Futurequaker from Northern Ireland. You may remember me from my rather unsavory Angel Gang story 'The Birthday Gift' in the latest issue of Zarjaz.
Anyway, I'm chuffed to say I have a project called 'Devil's Music' in Round 2 this year's SMALL PRESS IDOL competition.
The voting that will decide if our project will make it to round 3 has just opened up. I would greatly appreciate any support that my fellow Zarjaz/Futurequake alumni could give me.
To vote you need to sign up for an account on SPI (it's free of charge and of SPAM), which you can do here:
Then login and vote here: (just select 'I am a fan of this project' and click the VOTE button)
You can vote for the project once daily from now until next Wednesday. Every vote keeps us alive. So sign up and give your fellow droid a helping hand.
Thanks In Advance
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