
Monday, 19 October 2015

Zarjaz #25- 13 days to go!

To herald the launch of the next wave of comics from FQP, we will be updating the blog each day with a look at one of the strips.

Today we look at Shakara- the fourth Buggerian, which will be appearing in Zarjaz #25

Art By Scott Twells- click to view larger version

Scott Twells (Shakara- The Fourth Buggerian) when he's not shouting abuse at passers-by, he likes to waste his time drawing comics for you fine folk to enjoy. So enjoy, dammit...

Teaser Art By Scott Twells- click to view larger version

As a warm-up for this strip, Scott produced the above teaser- which we are pleased to share.

Join us tomorrow as we take a look at another upcoming strip!

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