
Thursday 15 October 2015

Zarjaz #25- 17 days to go!

To herald the launch of the next wave of comics from FQP, we will be updating the blog each day with a look at one of the strips.

Today we look at Rogue Trooper- The walking Dead, which will be appearing in Zarjaz #25.

Art By James Newell- click to view larger version

Lee Robson (Writer: Rogue Trooper- The Walking Dead) is the writer/co-creator of the critically acclaimed OGN Babble. His work has also appeared in FutureQuake, Something Wicked and the Accent UK series of themed anthologies. Find his blog at

James Newell (Art: Rogue Trooper- The Walking Dead) Big 2000 AD & Zarjaz fan, loves drawing comic, links to my works can be seen at email:

Join us tomorrow as we take a look at another upcoming strip!

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