
Thursday 27 August 2009

Zarjaz 08: Now with Added Prizes!

I've already blogged the new cover to Zarjaz, however we now have a Ghafflebette competition to win a copy of the new V.C.'s collection 'Back in Action' courtesy of those wonderful droids in the Nerve Centre at Rebellion.

How do you win- easy. Buy a copy of the comic and solve the puzzle within. We've got two copies of the book, and we will be taking answers for a little while!

It ain't called ZARJAZ For nothin'!

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Coming soon: ZARJAZ T-Shirts.

Want to look Zarjaz at BICS? Need a companion to your Hi-Ex! T-shirt?

Pre-orders are now being taken for these amazing T-shirts featuring the new look logo designed by Kevin Levell.

Just imagine being at a convention with one of these beauties- never again will you be stuck for something for your favourite art-droid to scrawl on.

There is even a choice of colour for your magnificent new apparel, and all for £11.50 plus P&P.

If you are interested, please get in touch via the usual email and we'll take it from there.

Monday 10 August 2009

Not Forgotten: Dreddheads.

Coming up in the near future, a new, commissioned for Zarjaz adventure for the Dreddheads.