
Wednesday 24 December 2014

Happy Christmas 2014!

This year we at Zarjaz have gone all out to bring you as much holiday content as we can.

Initially we presented 'Santy claws is comin' ta town' by Lee Robson & Bolt-01, available now as part of the Zarjaz Daily.

Now we bring you a new Dredd short by Lee, and with art & letters by Bryan Coyle:
(As always- click to view full size)

Also now available:
Rogue Trooper: More Milli-Com Memories
the full strip by Richmond Clements, Dave Broughton & Bolt-01- as serialised over on the 2000 AD advent calender.

Also as a special treat, Dave Broughton presents his previous advent strips:
Judge Dredd- The Mean Green Machine.
Judge Dredd- Word On The Sked

Thanks to Simon Bennett-Hayes (Last seen in Zarjaz 21's 'Mega-City Missing and currently working on a Middenface strip for Dogbreath) for the cracking Nemesis image above!

See you soon for the first news of what is coming your way in 2015, and remember we ain't called ZARJAZ For nothing!

Thursday 11 December 2014

Review Fest! Zarjaz 22 & Dogbreath 29

As usual I'll be aggregating all the reviews that I find (or have passed my way) for the latest comics so here we go...

First off, thanks to Starburst, for their review of Zarjaz 22. Written by Alister Davison.

Next up it the turn of ECBT2000 AD:


Both these podcasts can be found: HERE!

Sunday 7 December 2014

Santy Claws is comin' ta town 05

continuing the advent celebrations over on 2000 ADonline we at Zarjaz present the final chapter in our own serial:

As always, click to see a larger version.

Thanks to writer Lee Robson, and join us soon for more daily strip action.

Saturday 6 December 2014

Santy Claws is comin' ta town 04

continuing the advent celebrations over on 2000 ADonline we at Zarjaz present the next chapter in our own serial:
As always, click to see a larger version.

Thanks to writer Lee Robson, and join us tomorrow for the next chapter.

Friday 5 December 2014

Santy Claws is comin' ta town 03

continuing the advent celebrations over on 2000 ADonline we at Zarjaz present the next chapter in our own serial:

As always, click to see a larger version.

Thanks to writer Lee Robson, and join us tomorrow for the next chapter.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Santy Claws is comin' ta town 02

continuing the advent celebrations over on 2000 ADonline we at Zarjaz present the next chapter in our own serial:
As always, click to see a larger version.

Thanks to writer Lee Robson, and join us tomorrow for the next chapter.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

The Daily X-mas Dredd- Santy Claws is Comin' ta town

As part of the advent celebrations over on 2000 ADonline we at Zarjaz are pleased to present our own serial:

As always, click to see a larger version.

Thanks to writer Lee Robson, and join us tomorrow for the next chapter.

Sunday 30 November 2014

The Annual 2000 ADonline Advent calendar!

Starting tomorrow over at the forum on 2000 AD online, it will be the annual advent.

We've got a few treats coming from team Zarjaz this year, most notably our collaborations with Dave Broughton & Lee Robson.

Saturday 8 November 2014

DROKK! Look at the price of that!

Over on Comicsy we have dropped the price of the digital edition of DROKK to a single earth pound.

Now out of print this is the only digital edition from the ZARJAZ Stable currently, and while you are collecting your copy- don't forget to pick up the digital archives from FQP. 

Available now- DROKK

Every now and then we at Zarjaz are pitched a story we can’t really do in Zarjaz proper, for many, many reasons. This is a collection of stories that either could not, or should not exist. It is also one of the finest issues we have ever compiled. Warning-
This comic may hurt you:


Judge Death- Personal Business. 5 pages by writer Richard McAuliffe and artist Roland Bird           

Kingdom. 3 pages by writer Richard McAuliffe and artist Roland Bird.

M.A.C.H. 3- Conflagration. 3 pages by writer Derek Hamill and artist John Hutcheson     

Mechanismo. 12 pages by writer Derek Hamill and artist Mike Bunt 

Robo-Hunter- Slade B.C.P.D. 8 pages by writer Dirk Van Dom and artist Mike Bunt

Rogue Trooper- I Am Mad But North North West. 5 pages by writer Dan Hill and artist David Broughton     

Savage/Zenith. 6 pages by writer Chris Denton and artist Dave Frankum

Add to this a superb look at the creation of the book’s cover and this would be superb value if we demanded double for it, however you can get it for only £3.00 in print and in a first- we are selling a digital download of this issue for only £2.00 via the comicsy link on the right. We really are too good to you...

Sunday 2 November 2014

Zarjaz 22

Behind the superb cover by PJ Holden & Steven Denton featuring Chopper, following on from the strip which features art by Jake Lynch (with special thanks to Pye-01) we present 8 tales charged with so much Thrill-power it caused the seasons to slide! 48 pages for the amazing price of £3.00.


Judge Dredd- Aggressive Deportment by writer Tom Proudfoot and artist Astrom Chang

Judge Dredd- Sunday Morning Crash by writer Mark Howard and artist Conor Boyle

Tharg The Mighty- Escape from sanity's edge by writer River Apparicio and artist Bolt-01

The Sequels That Time Forgot- Mean Team Bk 3 by writer Al Ewing and artist Stephen Prestwood

Chopper- Different Strokes by writer Chris Redfern and artist Jake Lynch (Thanks to Pye01)

M.A.C.H.-1- Bearing Up by writer Mark Howard and artist Bryan Coyle

Rogue Trooper- Sniper Alley by writer Tom Proudfoot and artist P. L. Woods

Finn- Checkmate by writer Umar Ditta and artist Tom Bonin

Still only £3.00, available from the link on the right.

Dogbreath 29

Cover artist Matt Timson provides the lead strip this issue along with writer And Ewington. The colour centrespread this issue is provided by John Charles and among the six stories inside there are new adventures for Flys Eyes Wagner, Wirehead Rex and of course Johnny Alpha & Wulf.
All for the amazing price of £3.00.


Strontium Dog- Death By Dog by writer Mark Howard and artist David Broughton

Strontium Dog- Bloodhound by writer Andi Ewington and artist Matt Timson

Strontium Dogs- Angel of Death by writer Alec Charles and artist Scott Twells

Strontium Dogs- Wirehead Rex- The Idolmaker Subterfuge by writer Dirk Van Dom and artist Dan Cornwell

Strontium Dog-The Wreck by writer Richmond Clements and artist John Charles  

Also a book review: Strontium Dog- Among The Missing- book review by Amanda Kear

Still only £3.00, you don’t deserve it!

Available from the links on the right!

Friday 31 October 2014

Judge Dredd- Dental Plan 2

Concluding today- Dental Plan by Lee Robson and Paul Williams. The Daily strip will be back soon with more small press classics!

Thursday 30 October 2014

Judge Dredd: Dental Plan!

Welcome back to the Daily Dredd!

To celebrate the launching of Zarjaz 22 we present DENTAL PLAN by Lee Robson and Paul Williams. Join us tomorrow for the conclusion and remember to buy your Zarjaz & Dogbreath as soon as they are available.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Zarjaz 22 Cover

Available very soon from the FQP Webshop, Zarjaz 22 comes with a cover by PJ Holden and Steve Denton featuring one of the true heroes of Mega-City one... Chopper!

Available for a mere £4,00, this comic isn't called Zarjaz for nothing!

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Dogbreath 29 Cover

Dogbreath issue 29 features a cover and lead strip with art by none other than Matt Timson.

Available soon from the FQP Webshop for the astounding price of £4.00

Friday 17 October 2014

Update! Judge Dredd- Hanks Tale!

Over on his blog, Zarjaz regular David Broughton has posted the pencils and prelims for the strip he did in Zarjaz 21. Hanks Tale was written by Richmond Clements.

Thanks to David for sharing.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Incoming! Finn-Checkmate

Coming soon; we are proud to welcome FINN to the roster of characters presented within our pages. Checkmate is brought to you by writer Umar Ditta and artist Tom Bonin. Zarjaz 22 will be on sale in early November.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Incoming! Rogue Trooper- Sniper Alley

Coming soon to the pages of Zarjaz 22- Rogue Trooper- Sniper Alley by Tom Proudfoot and P.L. Woods. On sale early November.

Monday 13 October 2014

Incoming! Judge Dredd- Prometheus Unchained!

Judge Dredd- Prometheus Unchained by David Griffiths and Stephen Prestwood, sees Dredd taking on an enemy he never believed possible. What could it be? Well you'll need to wait till it sees print to find out.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Incoming! M.A.C.H.-1- Bearing up.

Coming very soon to the pages of Zarjaz; M.A.C.H.-1 vs Shako.

Hello, are you still here? Mark Howard and Bryan Coyle bring you this untold tale from the dawn of Thrill-power.

Zarjaz 22 will be on sale from early November.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Coming Soon- ANDERSON- The Line Of Duty

Coming soon to the pages of Zarjaz! Anderson: PSI returns courtesy of writer Lee Robson and artist Alfie Gallagher in 'The Line of Duty'

Friday 5 September 2014

Coming Soon- The Sequels that time forgot- MEAN TEAM Bk 3.

Not a hoax, not a dream, an imaginary story! Bad Jack Keller & co are back for one last shake of the dice and this time the fate of the known universe is at hand!

Join writer Al Ewing... really? well if you say so; and artist Stephen Prestwood as they tell the story that had to be told!

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Coming Soon- Judge Dredd- Primal Scream

Coming soon to the pages of Zarjaz- Primal Scream. Witness the epic confrontation between Judge Dredd and Chief Judge Hershey. Discover the source of the fight that all the Judges are talking about. 

Judge Dredd- Primal Scream is by writer Adam Breen and artist Jim Lavery. Thanks to Jim for supplying these two images- exclusive to the Quaequam blog to support the release of this strip.

Sunday 31 August 2014

Coming Soon- Tharg the Mighty in Escape from Sanitys Edge

Coming soon to the pages of Zarjaz- Tharg the Mighty in Escape from Sanitys Edge. Witness the never before told tale of The Mighty One's assault on the most heavily guarded prison in the sector. Why does he do it? What are those droids doing and why has it taken so long for a Tharg strip to appear in Zarjaz?

Writer River Apparicio and Artist Bolt-01 will tell you.

Friday 29 August 2014

Coming Soon: Strontium Dog- The Wreck

Coming soon to the pages of Dogbreath- The Wreck- written by Richmond Clements and with artwork provided by John Charles. It is rare for Dogbreath to have a colour centrespread, and when you see the work you'll understand why. On sale in Dogbreath 29- available November 2014.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Coming Soon- Strontium Dogs- The first day.

Meet Stel, Rab and Urb. Three brand spanking new puppies on their first day in the Doghouse. Join writer Matt Sharp and artist David Broughton as they show us some of the processes and procedures followed by all new agents working for the GCC.