
Thursday 21 April 2011

Interview- Richmond Clements

Everything Comes Back to 2000 AD have done an interview with our very own Richmond Clements!

Listen for free and get in touch if you have any questions!

New Blog- John Cahill

John Cahill is an artist who should be familiar to many of you- he's illustrated many strips for us here, including Rogue Trooper, Strontium dog and an upcoming Judge Dredd for us here. John has now started his very own blog which is already showing off pages from his strips for us. Go take a look and tell 'em we sent ya!

Friday 15 April 2011

FPBlog: Matt Badham!

Over on the rather excellent Fobidden Planet blog, there's a really nice plug for writer MATT BADHAM and his first work for Commando. Matt also mentions his work on Zarjaz 11.

Nice one, Matt!


I've now had the email from the fantastic folks over at ORBITAL comics, down in that there London; to say that Zarjaz 11 is on the shelves! They only have limited stock, so if you are in the area, stop by and get one!
They do have a dedicated Small Press section of the website- but we aren't on it yet.

Friday 8 April 2011


This weekend down in that there London, it is KaPow! A new convention. We don't have a table there this weekend, but Termight Replicas are and they will have some copies of the new Zarjaz available for sale. Have fun, kids!

Friday 1 April 2011

1st Look- JUDGE FISH

Coming Soon to Zarjaz! The untold (by us) tale of JUDGE FISH! written by David Withers and with art by Phillip Vaughan!

On tour 2011: Thought Bubble!

Thought Bubble 2011 will be on the weekend of the 19th and 20th November 2011 and will be one of the convention stops for us this year! All booked up and ready to roll!


Born from a semi-drunken giggle in a chinese restaurant at Hi-Ex 2010- TALES OF MEGA-CITY ONE- FAT CHANCERS! Written by Alexi Conman and with superb art by Luis Chichon. Appearing soon in Zarjaz!

1st Look! Strontium Dogs- Catch of the Day

Coming soon to Dogbreath 24- STRONTIUM DOGS- Catch of the Day by Matt McLaughlin and Ryan Thomason.