
Tuesday 15 March 2016

Dogbreath 31- Tales Of The Doghouse- The Only Vet in the Doghouse

Tales Of The Doghouse- The Only Vet in the Doghouse 

Art by Bolt-01- click to see a larger version.

Meet Malcolm Out the Middle. He's got issues, which is why he's off to see The Only Vet In The Doghouse by writer Oscar Maltby and artist Bolt-01

Dogbreath 31 is available now at: The FQP Webshop.

Join us tomorrow as we stay with Dogbreath and don't forget, every comic purchased between now and the end of April will enter you into the raffle to win a Strontium Dog Badge courtesy of Planet Replicas.

Monday 14 March 2016

Dogbreath 31- Strontium Dog's- Flys Eyes Wagner- The Dark

Strontium Dog's- Flys Eyes Wagner- The Dark 

Art by Scott Twells- click to see a larger version.

Before he got into a fight with Johnny Alpha on a train back in the day (2000 AD prog 104) Flys Eyes Wagner was already a bad egg. How bad? Well in The Dark by writer Alec Charles and artist Scott Twells we attempt to show you. And this is not the first time the character has been represented by these creators. 

Dogbreath 31 is available now at: The FQP Webshop.

Join us tomorrow as we stay with Dogbreath and don't forget, every comic purchased between now and the end of April will enter you into the raffle to win a Strontium Dog Badge courtesy of Planet Replicas.

Sunday 13 March 2016

Zarjaz 26- Tales Of Mega-City One- A Day In The Life

Tales Of Mega-City One- A Day In The Life 

Art by Conor Boyle- click to see a larger version.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like for Chief Judge Hershey over the course of an average day? Now you can find out...  Tales Of Mega-City One- A Day In The Life by writer Santiago Mayaud and artist Conor Boyle

Zarjaz 26 is available now at: The FQP Webshop.

Join us tomorrow as we move back to Dogbreath and don't forget, every comic purchased between now and the end of April will enter you into the raffle to win a Strontium Dog Badge courtesy of Planet Replicas.

Saturday 12 March 2016

Dogbreath 31- Strontium Dog's- DogBreath the Dog- Rubbish

Strontium Dog's- DogBreath the Dog- Rubbish 

Art by Bolt-01- click to see a larger version.

Today we welcome a new character to the pages: Danny Doggett, the unluckiest dog in the Kennel. how unlucky? If you read Rubbish, in Dogbreath 31, you'll get a pretty good idea. The (Mis) Adventures of Dogbreath the dog is by writer Mark Howard and artist Bolt-01. 

Dogbreath 31 is available now at: The FQP Webshop.

Join us tomorrow as we move back to Zarjaz and don't forget, every comic purchased between now and the end of April will enter you into the raffle to win a Strontium Dog Badge courtesy of Planet Replicas.

Friday 11 March 2016

Zarjaz 26- Strontium Dog –Time Twister

Strontium Dog –Time Twister 

Art by Darren Stephens- click to see a larger version.

Making a rare appearance in Zarjaz, Johnny Alpha runs into a little trouble with a time bomb in Strontium Dog –Time Twister by writer Mark Howard and artist Darren Stephens

Zarjaz 26 is available now at: The FQP Webshop.

Join us tomorrow as we move back to Dogbreath and don't forget, every comic purchased between now and the end of April will enter you into the raffle to win a Strontium Dog Badge courtesy of Planet Replicas.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Dogbreath 31- Strontium Dog- No Choice At All

Strontium Dog- No Choice At All 

Art by David Broughton- click to see a larger version.

The strip that closes Dogbreath 31 is connected to the strip that opens the comic. How? That would be telling;  you should get yourself a copy to find out. Strontium Dog- No Choice At All is by writer Lee Robson and artist David Broughton

Dogbreath 31 is available now at: The FQP Webshop.

Join us tomorrow as we move back to Zarjaz 26 and don't forget, every comic purchased between now and the end of April will enter you into the raffle to win a Strontium Dog Badge courtesy of Planet Replicas.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Zarjaz 26- Judge Dredd- The Boys Next Door

Judge Dredd- The Boys Next Door 

Art by Jim Lavery- click to see a larger version.

It is time for the coverstrip for Zarjaz 26 to make an appearance. Judge Dredd- The Boys Next Door is by writer Lee Robson and artist Jim Lavery

Zarjaz 26 is available now at: The FQP Webshop.

Join us tomorrow as we move back to Dogbreath 31 and don't forget, every comic purchased between now and the end of April will enter you into the raffle to win a Strontium Dog Badge courtesy of Planet Replicas.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Dogbreath 31- Strontium Dog - Toad in the hole

Strontium Dog - Toad in the hole

Art by Leigh Shepherd- click to see a larger version.

It is a bittersweet farewell in the text story this issue; Toad in the Hole by writer ursula kincaid and artist Leigh Shepherd. 

Dogbreath 31 is available now at: The FQP Webshop.

Join us tomorrow as we move back to Zarjaz 26 and don't forget, every comic purchased between now and the end of April will enter you into the raffle to win a Strontium Dog Badge courtesy of Planet Replicas.

Monday 7 March 2016

Zarjaz 26- Judge Dredd- Billion Credit Heist

Judge Dredd- Billion Credit Heist

Art by Jon Taylor- click to see a larger version.

It's a race to the finish, winner take all final until Judge Dredd arrives in Billion Credit Heist by writer Karl Stock and artist Jon Taylor

Zarjaz 26 is available now at: The FQP Webshop.

Join us tomorrow as we move back to Dogbreath 31 and don't forget, every comic purchased between now and the end of April will enter you into the raffle to win a Strontium Dog Badge courtesy of Planet Replicas.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Dogbreath 31- Strontium Dog- The Scowl & The Pussycat

Strontium Dog- The Scowl & The Pussycat

Art by Neil Sims- click to see a larger version.

Johnny Alpha teams up with Durham Red in the- well, you have to read it to believe it 'Scowl & The Pussycat' by writer Matt Sharp and artist Neil Sims. 

Dogbreath 31 is available now at: The FQP Webshop.

Join us tomorrow as we move back to Zarjaz 26 and don't forget, every comic purchased between now and the end of April will enter you into the raffle to win a Strontium Dog Badge courtesy of Planet Replicas.

Saturday 5 March 2016

Zarjaz 26- Brigand Doom- Paper Cubs

Brigand Doom- Paper Cubs

Art by Alex Mines- click to see a larger version.

Today we welcome a rare appearance in the pages of Zarjaz; Brigand Doom by writer Mark Howard and artist Alex Mines. This is Alex's fist proper work for Zarjaz, following on from his try-out on Judge Dredd- Video Nasties. 

Zarjaz 26 is available now at: The FQP Webshop.

Join us tomorrow as we move back to Dogbreath 31 and don't forget, every comic purchased between now and the end of April will enter you into the raffle to win a Strontium Dog Badge courtesy of Planet Replicas.

Friday 4 March 2016

Dogbreath 31- The Gronk- Where's Gronk?

The Gronk- Where's Gronk?

Art by Nigel Dobbyn- click to see a larger version.

There's confusion aplenty for our furry favourite in WHERE'S GRONK?; by writer Steve Hargett and artist Nigel Dobbyn.

Dogbreath 31 is available now at: The FQP Webshop.

Join us tomorrow as we move back to Zarjaz 26 and don't forget, every comic purchased between now and the end of April will enter you into the raffle to win a Strontium Dog Badge courtesy of Planet Replicas.

Thursday 3 March 2016

Zarjaz 26-


Art by Bryan Coyle- click to see a larger version.

Things are anything but routine for Anderson when escorting a captured perp back to Earth in LONG WAY HOME; by writer Lee Robson and artist Bryan Coyle

Zarjaz 26 is available now at: The FQP Webshop.

Join us tomorrow as we move back to Dogbreath 31 and don't forget, every comic purchased between now and the end of April will enter you into the raffle to win a Strontium Dog Badge courtesy of Planet Replicas.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Dogbreath 31-

Durham Red- Like a Dog.

Art by Paul Williams- click to see a larger version.

Trapped without weaponry and being hunted by heavily armed mercenaries, things are looking grim for Durham Red in Like a Dog; brought to you by writer Lee Robson and artist Paul Williams- the team behind the recent Daily Zarjaz strip 'Judge Dredd- Season finale'.

Dogbreath 31 is available now at: The FQP Webshop.

Join us tomorrow as we start to look at strips in Zarjaz 26 and don't forget, every comic purchased between now and the end of April will enter you into the raffle to win a Strontium Dog Badge courtesy of Planet Replicas.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

New Comics! Zarjaz 26 & Dogbreath 31

Available today- Zarjaz 26.

Cover by Paul Marshall & Owen Watts- click to see a larger version.

Available now! Zarjaz 26 is the latest and great fanzine based on 2000 AD.

Inside this thrill-packed issue we present:

Anderson PSI -Long Way Home by writer Lee Robson and artist Bryan Coyle

Brigand Doom- Paper Cubs by writer Mark Howard and artist Alexander Mines

Judge Dredd -Billion Credit Heist by writer Karl Stock and artist Jon Taylor

Judge Dredd- The Boys Next door
by writer Lee Robson and artist Jim Lavery

Strontium Dog –Time Twister by writer Mark Howard and artist Darren Stephens

Tales Of Mega-City one- A Day In The life by writer Santiago Mayaud and artist Conor Boyle

Also available today- Dogbreath 31.

Cover photo by Steve Green, featuring Matthew Simpson as Johnny Alpha and Kevin Horsham as Wulf Sternhammer from the upcoming Fan Film Search & Destroy

Beneath the amazing photo cover by the Search & destroy team, we bring you yet another issue of the longest continually published 2000 AD fanzine.

This issue contains:

Durham Red- Like A Dog by writer Lee Robson and artist Paul Williams

Gronk- Where's Gronk? by writer Steve Hargett and artist Nigel Dobbyn

Strontium Dog - The Scowl And The Pussycat by writer Matt Sharp and artist Neil Sims

Strontium Dog - Toad in the Hole by writer Ursula Kincaid and artist Leigh Shepherd

Strontium Dog- No Choice At All by writer Lee Robson and artist David Broughton

Strontium Dog's- DogBreath the Dog- Rubbish by writer Mark Howard and artist Bolt-01

Strontium Dog's- Flys Eyes Wagner- The Dark by writer Alec Charles and artist Scott Twells

Tales Of The Doghouse- The Only Vet in the Doghouse by writer Oscar Maltby and artist Bolt-01

Don't forget that today also marks the first day of the S/D Badge competition:

And join us tomorrow as we begin to look at previews from the new strips!