
Wednesday, 1 July 2015

ZARJAZ 24- Now available

Art By Mike Collins- Click to view larger version.

Mike Collins provides his first cover to Zarjaz and kicks the summer Dreddworld issue of in fine style. Containing a whopping 8 strips, Zarjaz 24 shows you the fanzine of the future. 48 pages for the amazing price of £3.00.

Mike Collins (Art: Cover) A lifelong fan of 2000 AD, Mike has contributed to the Prog and the Meg over the last 25 years, as an artist working on Dredd, Slaine, Rogue Trooper, Hondo City and Sinister Dexter; as a writer- numerous Future Shocks. He co-created American Gothic with Ian Edginton. Currently storyboard artist on Doctor Who Series 9, and artist on Eddie Robson scripted 'Commercial Break' 3riller.

JUDGE DREDD- Cals Arena by writers Steven Austin & Mike Lynch and artist Steven Austin

Mike Lynch (Script: Cal’s Arena) is a writer based in the West of Ireland. His work has appeared in several small press titles in Ireland and England.

Steven Austin (Idea & Art: Cal’s Arena) lives in a cave in deepest Cambridge, he surrounds himself with comic and movie memorabilia only venturing into the wilds occasionally to gather coffee beans, hot water and milk.

JUDGE DREDD- Prometheus Unchained by writer David Griffiths and artist Stephen Prestwood

David Griffiths (Writer: Prometheus Unchained) is a Liverpool writer of comics, films and play. He is currently looking for artists to collaborate with on creator owned projects. Contact David on Twitter @daveygriff

Stephen Prestwood (Art:Prometheus Unchained) As well as my own Dark Zone comic I have illustrated for The Jock, Zarjaz, BAM!, Violent!, Paragon and many others.

JUDGE DREDD- Stance by Martin Currie.

Martin Currie (Judge Dredd- Stance) first drew Dredd in 1978, in the margins of his school books. Now in his fifties you'd think he'd have grown out of it. It would seem not.

JUDGE DREDD- Video Nasties by writer Lee Robson and artist John Hutcheson

Lee Robson (Writer: Judge Dredd- Video Nasties) is the writer/co-creator of the critically acclaimed OGN Babble. His work has also appeared in FutureQuake, Something Wicked and the Accent UK series of themed anthologies. Find his blog at

John Hutcheson (Art: Judge Dredd- Video Nasries) has produced work for the small press such as Zarjaz and Dogbreath, as well as illustrations for a variety of commercial clients. His next major comic work will be "Watson Watt's world of the mysterious"

JUDGE DREDD- Yet Another Rainy Day by writer Mark Howard and artist David Broughton 
Mark Howard (Writer: Judge Dredd- Yet Another Rainy Day) Beware the Archons and stay away from the light!

David Broughton (art: Judge Dredd- Yet another rainy day) has drawn various comic strips for Zarjaz, Dogbreath and other small press publications. visit his blog for more information and illustrations at or email him at

Lowlife-Attack of the Naturists by writer Tony McVeigh and artist Eddy Lyle

Tony McVeigh (Writer: Lowlife- Attack of the Naturists) Tony is an aspiring comic book professional from Northern Ireland. Why not check out his blog at and his new web-comic

Eddy Lyle (Art: Lowlife- Attack of the Naturists) is some guy, who draws comics. He is currently trying to figure out how to draw ornate buildings and hands and a few other things.

Red Razors- Masquerade by writer Matt Farr and artist Simon Petersen

Matt Farr (Writer: Red Razors- Masquerade) is a blogger, amateur reviewer and co-host of the Dissecting Worlds podcast with many years experience of reading and watching stuff before trying his hand at creating it too. His favourite 2000 AD character is Deputy Chief Judge Grampus. 

Simon Petersen (Art: Red Razors- Masquerade) is an artist from Denmark. He's been reading Judge Dredd since 1984 and he's met Bisley two times!

Tales of Mega-City One- Death In Pictures by writer Shaun Avery and artist Bhuna

Shaun Avery (Writer: Tales Of Mega-City One- Death In Pictures) recently co-created the comic Spectre Show. When not writing horror stories, he likes to watch arty, subtitled movies. Because he enjoys them. Not because he is pretentious. Honest.

Bhuna (Art: Tales Of Mega-City One- Death In Pictures) Small press doodler and all round good guy! Series artist for Buck Tucker for Vanguard Comic, Massacre for Boys, and is currently working on Killing Moon for Pigdog Press.

This issue is so packed we didn't have room for the creator bio Page! So it is here!
Click it to see a larger version.

Still only £3.00, you don’t deserve it! From the FQP Webshop

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